Done!!! INSIDER No. 11 goes to press

Done!!! INSIDER No. 11 goes to press


INSIDER No. 11 goes to press

It will be 165 pages thick - the 11th training atlas INSIDER of the district. Our graphic designer Ariane Archner has just completed the print data and sent it to the printer. In the next few days, the popular brochure will take shape in bold colors on high-quality paper in a print run of 7,000 copies. The INSIDER will then be delivered to all schools in the district at the end of September.

Pupils can get to know more than 200 training occupations and fields of study in Upper Lusatia in the atlas. The experience reports of the current trainees are always exciting. In short interviews, they report how they got their dream job, what experiences they had and why they think it was the right decision to learn exactly this job.

Target reached despite difficult start

Things didn't look so good for INSIDER in May. We had just 40 registrations from training companies. That would have been a rather thin pamphlet. The Corona situation, the necessary cancellation of the real INSIDERTEETF and reorientation to the virtual training fair had probably unsettled many companies. Luckily, a reminder email was enough to make the feedback skyrocket. 111 training companies, vocational schools, institutions and the Görlitz/Zittau University of Applied Sciences now present a wide variety of professional perspectives at home.

Also exciting for non-students

I recently had the first printout on my desk - and at the same time I had the honor of proofreading the 165 extremely informative pages. What a beautiful piece of work, which was associated with an increase in knowledge page after page! That's how I found out that there are only ten trainees left in Germany for the ropemaker profession and that in Görlitz we have one of the last training companies in this traditional craft, which has long been geared towards modern and metalworking ropemaking techniques.

I found it particularly interesting that many training companies not only train their young people "for the market", but specifically as young people for their own company - after all, there are many highly specialized and world-class companies in the district of Görlitz that are desperately looking for skilled workers. What could be more obvious than training your own specialists and keeping them in the company with attractive offers?

The times have changed

"The times when parents said to their children: 'You have to go out into the world and earn money' are clearly over," explains my colleague Saskia Heublein, head of the Education Service Center at ENO. Together with her team, she supports the students and schools in the district with career orientation. The spectrum of instruments ranges from individual coaching at Check den Job to "LOOK IN! Week of open companies" and "Come on tour" to the large training fair. "In the meantime, word has gotten around among young people that the quality of life in the unaffordable country is also unaffordable in education," she confirms. And with this selection! A few glances at the INSIDER training atlas would not have been enough for me as a young woman looking for a job, I'm sure of that - I would have devoured this interesting atlas that sheds light on the jobs from all perspectives!  


Best regards -

Your Jasna

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