“come on tour – my strengths, my future”  

“come on tour – my strengths, my future”  

900 students from the district complete an adventure course in the Löbau exhibition park

The project “come on tour - my strengths, my future” took place for the eighth time on December 4th. – December 8th, 2023 in Löbau Station. Around 900 girls and boys in the 7th and 8th grades from 20 schools in the Görlitz district took advantage of this special type of professional orientation.

The focus of the project was an action-oriented adventure course in which playful, motivating impulses were given over two hours. The young people were able to deal with their career and life plans in a relaxed and fearless manner. In the time tunnel, in the labyrinth, on a stage and in a “storm-free booth”, the team had to complete tasks and discover their own strengths.  

“We are very happy that we were able to offer this special type of professional orientation again this year,” reports Saskia Heublein, head of the #education service center of the Entwicklunggesellschaft Niederschlesische Oberlausitz mbH (ENO). “However, this would not be possible without the great support of the many regional players.” Many helpers are needed to look after the young people on the course. Active personnel support came from the district office and the job center, from the Bautzen employment agency, from bao GmbH, the Euro Akademie Görlitz, the Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Görlitz office, the Dresden Chamber of Crafts, the KiEZ Querxenland, and the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Niederschlesien eG, the Städtische Klinikum Görlitz gGmbH, the Nestor Bildungsinstitut GmbH and the Zittau Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH.   

On the second day of the event, District Administrator Dr. Stephan Meyer, the chairwoman of the management of the Bautzen employment agency and patron, Marion Richter, as well as the head of the school and sports office of the Görlitz district, Denise Kieschnick and Felix Breitenstein, operations manager of the Görlitz district job center, will be welcomed to the course. They emphasized the great importance of this event for the professional orientation of the district's students. “We are very happy about this appreciation of our work,” says Saskia.  

“Come on Tour” in the Görlitz district is an initiative of the Görlitz District Office, the Bautzen Employment Agency and the Saxon State Ministry for Culture in collaboration with regional partners and numerous companies. The project was developed by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency (BA). Sinus – Büro für Kommunikation GmbH makes “komm auf Tour” available as a nationwide project sponsor to interested countries, cities and districts, schools, institutions and companies.

Impressions from the adventure course

2023 12 07 Come on tour collage

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