Back there

Back there

"We are really happy about our return and have found so many things here that are really priceless for us," says Stine Weinhold happily.

The 37-year-old is happy in her new, spacious maisonette apartment in Görlitz Rauschwalde and also about how well 4-year-old Cara has accepted the move from the deep west back to her parents' homeland. Stine lived near Stuttgart with her husband Daniel for almost ten years. In search of a better quality of life, the small family returned to their old homeland. Although Stine and Daniel earn almost 800 euros less a month here in the East, the bottom line is that they don't have less money in their pockets. You can find out why in the ZEIT ung for homeland .
In all mailboxes in #PricelessLand on January 8th Photo: Paul Glaser

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