This is how our state harvest festival was in Zittau - and why plants, care and harvest are so important

This is how our state harvest festival was in Zittau - and why plants, care and harvest are so important

This is how our state harvest festival was in Zittau - and why plants, care and harvest are so important

The stand of the district of Görlitz at the Zittau state harvest festival was looked after by a few ENO employees together with colleagues from the district office at the weekend.

We tell you how it was - in short: pretty great! 

Despite the mixed weather, between 30 and 40,000 guests came to the big festival, which took place throughout the city center of Zittau and set its highlights with performances by many hobby dance and show groups, music bands, the big parade and the grandiose Karat concert. And for us at our stand, where we presented regional products, there were also one big and many small highlights!

2022 04 10 Blog Zittau Spills

One of the first guests at our stand: Oberlausitzer Original Hans Klecker . He showed Laura and Nino the calendar sheet on which he and his family can be seen in our Pricelessland calendar. If you would like to order such a perpetual calendar from us, write to us here

We wanted the visitors to answer a few questions about life in the district - in return they received a bag of honey gummy bears from Reichenbach or a bottle of Nieder Seifersdorfer beer , which we marked with a label and the play on words "Ohne Korn no beer" - of course to draw attention to the importance of agriculture. But first we had to answer questions - for example, we wanted to know why our guests would like to live here in the priceless country and not in the big city. The answers just gushed out, not entirely without pride:

  • the peace, the beautiful nature - and all this with affordable living space
  • the diversity of the landscape of our district, "living where others go on vacation"
  • Everything you need for relaxation and a high quality of life is there: from the Zittau Mountains to all the great lakes
  • "because I was born here" and "because it's my home" - what's the point of "in the anonymous, expensive, dirty big city?"

Then we asked about wishes - for themselves, for the region. The most common sentence, which mostly came from older people, was: "that the young people stay here" and "that the young people realize that no one has to leave here to get a good job". Exactly what Thomas Schmidt, Saxon Minister of State for Regional Development , later explained - namely that Lusatia has "so much to offer" and that nobody has to seek professional happiness abroad anymore. Which brings us to our big highlight of the state harvest festival: the visit of Minister of State Thomas Schmidt to our stand.

On Saturday morning, a dynamic man in a suit came to us, he wanted someone to talk to when the minister came later. Public relation? A clear case for me - but first I looked around the team - whether someone else wanted to be the contact person? No one. So the gentleman got my name, my number - and left. Half the day passed. Then suddenly - we thought we were more in Hollywood than in Zittau - a whole delegation of politicians and their companions, journalists, photographers, the man in the suit, the Minister of State Schmidt together with the Zittau Mayor, Thomas Zenker, rushed up to us - with them present: two Saxon harvest queens and a milk queen.



While Nino kept a close eye on the queens in the background, I had the honor of telling the Minister of State some facts about the progress made in structural development and briefly talking to him about our Priceless Land campaign and our ZEITung für Heimat I also told him about the great new film that the ENO filmmaker Christian Fietze finished on time for the state harvest festival - the film "PLANTS I CARE I HARVEST - Green value creation and beyond" . A film that lets farmers in the region have their say. Absolutely worth seeing! Nevi 's birch bark creations , the Nieder Seifersdorfer brewery and Jenny Böhme's family cookbooks . The Minister of State thought everything was great, took the ZEITung for home with him - and motivated us with a firm handshake and a warm "Keep it up!". The state harvest festival in Zittau - it was a celebration for us too!

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(In the photo you can see a little my surprise at being quickly pushed onto the picture of the minister with the queens)


Best regards!

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