Surprise - Pride - Gratitude

Surprise - Pride - Gratitude

Special prize honorary work 2022 awarded

The excitement was high among the guests who entered the priceless lounge on Monday evening. Representatives from ten clubs in the priceless country had made their way to an event through storm and sleet, not really knowing what to expect.

The invitation only stated that the District Administrator Dr. Stephan Meyer would like to thank them for their voluntary commitment. The glass of sparkling wine that the visitors received at the reception eased the tension a little. In the inspiring ambience of the lounge, the club representatives quickly got into conversation with each other. When musician Marc Winkler then invited everyone to take a seat and pause for a moment with his wonderful guitar sounds, the crackling tension could be felt again.

District Administrator Dr. Stephan Meyer praised the tireless commitment of the numerous volunteers: "Through their ideas and their actions, our home, the district of Görlitz, is filled with life. They make it lovable and worth living in.” The ten clubs present are examples of the many committed clubs in our home country. A jury selected them from the more than 500 applicants for the volunteer budget in 2022. The astonishment was great when the first prize winner of the evening appeared on the video wall. 2,000 euros in prize money for the "Ostliche Oberlausitz Nature Conservation Station". A murmur went through the line of guests. In the laudatory speech, the extraordinary commitment of the association to the revitalization of the water mill in Förstgen was acknowledged. Surprised and touched, Annett Hertweck and Stefan Kotschmar accepted the symbolic check from the district administrator. Other prize winners, who were honored with 2,000 euros, included the Lausitzer Sternengucker eV, the women on the way to Europe eV, the Geo-Zentrum Zittau eV and the Löbau lives! registered association The Kultur- und Heimatverein Groß Radisch eV, the Kreisseniorenrat and the Förderverein Museum Sagar eV were happy to receive a check for 1,500 euros each. The Stadtverein Weißwasser eV and the riding and driving club "Wehrkirch" Horka eV received a check for 1,000 euros. The commitment of each club was also recognized with an appreciative laudatory speech. A little later, the award winners were happy and grateful at the small buffet. They were enthusiastic about the framework of the event, the appreciative words and the almost familiar atmosphere of the priceless lounge. Many immediately had concrete ideas on how to use the prize money. They drove home a little later with a smile on their faces. There was probably already a phone call on the way home to report on this extraordinary appreciation.

The Free State of Saxony will continue to support volunteers in the priceless state in 2022. 160,000 euros were available for direct award. In the first selection process in March 2022, 350 applications were received. 70,000 euros were then paid out. A second opportunity to apply for the remaining budget followed in September. This measure is co-financed with taxes based on the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.

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