98,000 euros for volunteering in the priceless country

98,000 euros for volunteering in the priceless country

Applications for the volunteer budget can be made again

The Free State of Saxony is once again supporting all volunteers in the district of Görlitz in their work for the common good this year.

98,000 euros are available to be awarded to committed individuals and associations. Whether culture, sport, home care or social commitment - all areas of volunteer work can be supported by the volunteer budget. The grant can be used in many different ways. New sports equipment for the gymnastics club, new costumes for the Funkengarde, paint for beautifying the clubhouse, instruments for the young band, travel expenses for the club outing, new plants and benches for the village square or grilled food and drinks for a summer party - there are no limits to your imagination set. Funding will again be allocated in two phases. In the spring, applications totaling 49,000 euros will be accepted. The remaining funds will then be awarded in the fall.  

How does the application work?
Applications can only be submitted online at www.unbezahlbar.land .
All that is required is information on the name, address and account details of the applicant and a plausible description of the planned project. It must be clear what the money is needed for. Grants of 200 euros and 500 euros can be requested. The applicants receive the support amount of 200 euros quickly and easily after their information has been checked. The 500 euro applications will be evaluated by a jury. As a result, the requested 500 euros can be approved or downgraded to 200 euros. Once the application has been approved, the actors will receive a symbolic check for 200 or 500 euros. Then all they have to do is snap a photo of the check together with its happy recipients. After receiving this photo suitable for publication, the amount will be transferred.

When can applications be submitted?
The application portal will be activated on Friday, April 14, 2023 at 3 p.m. and will be closed again on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 9 a.m. This also gives working people the opportunity to submit their applications. Applications are processed in the order in which they were received. If the budget for the first application phase in spring is exhausted, the remaining applications will automatically be transferred to application phase 2 in autumn. A new application is then not necessary.

Reasons for rejection
Each association or private individual can only submit one application in 2023. If multiple applications are submitted, only the first application will be processed. This also applies to the second application phase in autumn. An applicant who received a grant in the spring will no longer be considered with a further application in the autumn. If it is not clear from the application what the requested money is to be used for and how the project will benefit the public good in the district of Görlitz, the application may be rejected. Applications from actors outside the district of Görlitz will not be processed.

This measure is co-financed with taxes based on the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.

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