Pretty good news

Pretty good news



A spirit of optimism can be felt! On the one hand, we have a new project and innovation manager , an experienced innovator from the large industry that is constantly researching the future , whom I will soon introduce in detail here .

Maybe you are also so excited to learn how you can have innovation as a profession, what you do there, how you manage it?

But it's not just here in the ENO that you can feel that actively shaping the future is in the air. Anyone who has read the Sächsische Zeitung every day, sometimes also the Lausitzer Rundschau - or in the past week, for example, the "Stern" or the "ZEIT", must have noticed: there is more and more good news from our region, which is the structural development in so many areas in the direction of a "model region". I was really amazed when it was said at the beginning of the week that the vision of the "Future Factory Lausitz" was slowly being consolidated and that the process to get there was being noticed throughout Germany. After all, more than 40 mayors, district administrators, business representatives, researchers and many other regional supporters have spoken out in favor of the "Lusatia Factory of the Future".  

New water, energy and food technologies are to be established in this "future factory". In this way, the entire region could be "advanced" and "prepared" for the time after coal, the initiators explained. "Together with our local and regional partners, we analyzed exactly what Lusatia really needs," said the head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS Dresden, Alexander Michaelis. Water, energy and food have been identified as special challenges and opportunities and at the same time have enormous global importance. "In Lusatia, we can therefore develop solutions that set a global example."  

You have to let the sentence sink in first. While the much-cited "model region" always sounds a bit like a building block, a drawing board, a single showcase project, "solutions with a global role model effect" reads quite differently. more significant. Devoting ourselves to the great challenges of the coming decades - water, energy, nutrition - for a steadily growing world population and developing ideas from our region - that sounds like a great way into the future of Lusatia.  

And it's a good thing we don't do all that alone have to do: so far the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Technical University (TU) and the Dresden University of Applied Sciences, the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences as well as companies and municipalities in Lusatia. That can be something! We are looking forward to it. And you? Write to us with your thoughts and ideas on structural development This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on. .


Best regards!


Your Jasna

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