On the bikes, ready, go!

On the bikes, ready, go!

 On the bikes, ready, go! – The 21st star cycle ride in the Görlitz district

Friends of cycling and star cycling, mark Saturday, June 1st, 2024 in red in your calendar! Because on this day we cordially invite everyone to the 21st Star Cycle Tour in our picturesque district of Görlitz # Priceless Land . Under the motto “Off to the star bike ride in the Görlitz district” we want to pedal together and Lake Olbersdorf as our common destination.

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District Administrator Dr. Stephan Meyer is enthusiastic and shares his excitement with us: “Financing via the Interreg Saxony-Czech Republic 2021-2027 is in place and so is our beloved event. It’s just great that we can cycle through our beautiful district together again on June 1st.”

Maja Daniel-Rublack , head of the tourism service department at ENO, is also full of anticipation. Because she, together with many committed people from all over the district as well as colleagues from the ENO, not only organizes the tours, but also the final party. “The star cycle ride is a highlight for all of us and a wonderful opportunity to build on the last successful event in 2022. Get your bikes ready and let’s hope for good weather and a lively participation from the border triangle.”


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A nice tradition: everyone takes part! ENO managing director Sven Mimus (left) and the head of the ENO education service center, Saskia Heublin (right next to him) as well as the ENO project managers also actively support the star wheel trip.

The special thing about the star bike ride are the eight different routes that lead to your destination. Each route has its own stamping points, which not only invite you to take a breather, but also to collect stamps for the participant pass - the ticket for the exciting raffle at the destination. A colorful program with entertainment for young and old will be offered at Lake Olbersdorf and, of course, physical well-being will also be taken care of. And: don't forget your bathing suit!

The starting points are varied and offer the right challenge for everyone: from Rothenburg/OL (71 km) to Boxberg/OL (80.5 km) to shorter routes such as Rumburk (27.5 km) or Liberec (33 km ). For those who want to start directly at Lake Olbersdorf, there is even a special circuit (36.5 km).

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The reward after the tour: ENO colleagues receive a radiant welcome

District Administrator Dr. Stephan Meyer motivates everyone who is interested: “We are looking forward to many cycling-loving participants and guests on the first weekend in June. Prepare your bike and take advantage of the beautiful spring weather to get in the mood for this event with some smaller bike rides.”

Detailed information about the routes, GPX tracks and return options will be available here

Will we see each other along the route and at Lake Olbersdorf?

Best regards!

Your star bike ride team


The German-Czech project “ Star bike ride to Olbersdorf – borderless through the border triangle ” is being realized with funds from the European Union as part of the European Regional Development Fund and with the support of the Neisse Euroregion.

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