Career orientation in focus

Career orientation in focus

School conference of the Görlitz district at Siemens Energy

On September 26th, school principals, teachers, practical advisors, educational stakeholders, career advisors and representatives from Zittau/Görlitz University addressed the question of how the career orientation of students in the Görlitz district can be further optimized.

Denise Kieschnick, head of the school and sports office, and Saskia Heublein, head of the #education service center, welcomed around 60 participants to the school conference in the Siemens Energy meeting rooms. The first highlight of the event was the presentation of the new ONLINE INSIDER . After extensive visual and content revision, the central platform for training, studies and career orientation in the district went online in September. The new INSIDERATLAS will be joining us in a few days. It is currently still in print. 6,000 copies of the brochure on training and studies will be delivered to the district's schools in October. Saskia Heublein and Ricarda Wild-Noisten also provided information about the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT network, the strengths course Come on Tour in December and the changed registration conditions for SCHAU REIN! in the coming year. In addition, the planned implementation of a student survey in the Görlitz district was reported.

The Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences presented the “Future Learning Center Oberlausitz” project, which is about further developing extracurricular MINT education. In order to make studying and communication at the university more efficient, a campus app was developed. Lars Rönisch and Kerstin Korb presented these to the participants at the school conference.  

The network coordinator of the East Saxon school network of the “Digital School Saxony” initiative, David Sauer, addressed the question of how students can be enthusiastic about computer science and supported in media education.
Schools can apply for inclusion in the school network, which supports schools in this process, until October 15, 2023. The participants themselves were asked for so much input. Individual career orientation products were discussed in four working groups. This is how the INSIDERATLAS, the ONLINE INSIDER and LOOK IN! to the test. How well known are these products? How intensively are they used by the students? How can schools and students be supported in obtaining information? Answers to these questions were collected in the group discussions. From this, the #education service point can derive impulses for further work. In the afternoon, Siemens operations manager Sven Werner presented the jobs safari and invited people to take a tour of the Görlitz factory.

The #education service point would like to thank Siemens Energy for providing the space and the exciting insights behind the scenes. 

2023 09 26 Blog Collage School Conference

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