Sweet cherries with tradition

Sweet cherries with tradition

 They are one of the sweetest temptations of summer in Priceless Land - the sweet cherries. A place in the district of Görlitz is particularly associated with the delicious stone fruit. The municipality of Groß Radisch has a long history of growing and cultivating sweet cherry trees.

The first records from 1861 already refer to avenues planted with cherry trees in the north and east of the town. To this day, the cherry trees characterize the atmosphere of the community. They are a valuable cultural asset and a large piece of identity for the people. The Kultur und Heimatverein Groß Radisch eV applied for support from the district's volunteer budget last year. You can find out what the association did with the money in ZEIT ung für Heimat . In all mailboxes in the priceless country on January 8th.

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