When "advanced" meets "advanced" - that's how it was with Schlesisches Nachtlesen

  When "advanced" meets "advanced" - that's how it was with Schlesisches Nachtlesen


Today we are delighted to have a guest contribution from space pioneer and author Arielle Kohlschmidt:

The Silesian Museum Silesian Night Reading last Saturday, April 9th . Thirteen public figures read texts about Silesia, Lusatia, Görlitz-Zgorzelec and the German-Polish side by side and togetherness at thirteen special locations.

Would someone come after all the months of isolation, after all the depressing news and all the uncertainties? This leaden question mark hung in the air of the mostly historical rooms until shortly before the beginning and quickly dissolved in satisfaction. Yes, they came and they came in large numbers to enjoy culture and community: from Görlitz, from Bad Muskau, from Dresden and from who knows where.

With my contribution, I felt that I was in good hands in the future halls of the Scultetus meeting center: My host was the "Center for Advanced Systems Understanding" better known than the CASUS in Görlitz. I read from a book by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, better known as the Potsdam-based IASS. So "advanced" met "advanced", the world of data-intensive systems research met the world of sustainability. And the settlement of CASUS stands for part of the hoped-for structural change in Lusatia, which the IASS is scientifically accompanying - among other things with the book " We're doing that already. Lusatia in Transition ”, from which I read. This volume brings together 15 perspectives from people who drive and live change with their projects, their visions and their energy.

Jan Hufenbach and I are the kind of people who describe their experiences in the book. After living in big cities for a long time and arriving in Upper Lusatia in 2009, we founded the Raumpionierstation Oberlausitz to attract newcomers and returnees to our new homeland, which we have become so fond of. With our project we bring locals and potential newcomers in exchange. Because when the world-experienced perspectives of the newcomers enter into a dialogue with the skills of the locals, who have grown out of having been there for a long time, something wonderfully new and sustainable can emerge.

In this brilliantly lit hall, the past spoke to the future, what had already been done to what had not yet been thought of. People laughed, marveled and applauded.

I would like to thank all my listeners for their open interest and the exciting discussions that ensued, and the culture officer for Silesia Agnieszka Bormann for the invitation.

The book "We'll do it already" can be purchased in the wonderful Görlitz bookstore "Art Goreliz" , which also opened its doors as a place for reading that evening.

I'm already looking forward to a next time!

Best regards -

Your Ariel

Photos: Arkadiusz Kucharski



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