Greetings from TUMO Berlin!

Greetings from TUMO Berlin!

Saskia Heublein (left), long-time head of the ENO education service center, and task force project manager Wilhelmine Buscha recently traveled to Berlin to take a look at a great possible opportunity for the children and young people in our region: the "TUMO" center. 

TUMO - a revolutionary educational initiative

TUMO is a training concept that lies at the interface of technology and design and offers young people aged 12 to 18 a unique learning environment for creative and digital topics. From graphic design to programming to music production, young people have the opportunity to pursue their interests and develop their skills, supported by experienced coaches and in an inspiring environment. Learn through play and become fit for the ever-growing digital job market - a win-win situation. Saskia Heublein - head of our ENO education service center for eight years - knows and appreciates the extracurricular learning places, such as the Weißwasser future station and the socio-cultural institutions such as Telux and Rabryka , and is always happy to receive new suggestions in the educational sector.



Saskia obtains information using the TUMO organizational charts

What is special about TUMO

Saskia was particularly impressed with the TUMO concept by the fact that the learning offering is geared towards digital skills, is completely free and you don't even need to bring your own laptop: "It's really inclusive - especially for children from not so wealthy families." The learning environment - large rooms with an open character - is more reminiscent of ultra-modern workplaces or co-working spaces than of normal classrooms, reports Saskia. "How focused the teenagers sat there and worked on their projects is remarkable. No shouting, no shouting - that's the great thing, when children and young people can learn independently, according to their own interests and inclinations, then they are usually fully involved the matter." A TUMO center for the Görlitz district, or the Euroregion? “We want to work on that,” explains Saskia optimistically.



Attractive workplaces for young people invite them to explore the digital worlds


How the idea came about

during the “ Planathon ” 2021, a youth conference at which young people from the coal regions could work together on structural change projects. youth report emerged from this conference with many exciting project ideas, including the idea of ​​a TUMO center in Lusatia. “Lukas Kiehne, a young person who was there at the time, spoke to us as ENO directly and asked whether we could support the idea of ​​a TUMO center in Lusatia, specifically in Görlitz,” says Wilhelmine . "First we exchanged ideas with Lukas and with the KfW banking group, which is currently organizing the whole issue in Germany and has taken over the operation of the center in Berlin for the last 5 years." Then it was time for the trip to Berlin's TUMO - which she also reports enthusiastically.


“The impression of the center was inspiring. I personally would have liked such opportunities,” says Wilhelmine. In Armenia, TUMO's country of origin, 14,000 young people have already taken part in the courses in four centers across the country. But the concept is also an international success story: the first international centers were established in Paris, Beirut, Tirana, Moscow and Berlin. With great success for the young people and growing popularity. So why not create a place like this for young people in our region?


Before learning digital techniques, analogue crafts sometimes have to be learned, practiced and promoted - even in TUMO

How it goes on

The next steps have already been defined: "We will exchange ideas with actors who are active in the area of ​​MINT funding in extracurricular areas and with networker Christoph Scholze from Tragwerk in order to continue working on this project together," explains Wilhelmine. "And in order to include the rural areas around Görlitz, the TUMO concept also includes container solutions. In Germany, further centers are to be built in addition to Berlin and the first container variants in rural areas are also planned." she explains further. The project manager from the ENO innovation team is convinced that such a center would be an absolute benefit: “We want to work proactively to ensure that our region can also benefit from this opportunity.”

Tumor collagen

A look into the sound studio, group workstations and technical work by the teens

Programming, 3D modeling, audio & video design

Wilhelmine knows that the playful interaction with the digital world, which fascinates young people, can lay the foundations not only for their future dream job as a game designer, for example: "Game design, for example, is one of many fields in which all areas of the TUMO "You need programming, 3D modeling, video editing, audio design and many other creative technologies," she explains. "Such a free extracurricular center would be an incredible opportunity for all young people in the region because the techniques learned here are absolutely relevant for the future."

Who bears the costs? 

TUMO Berlin is an initiative of the KfW Bankengruppe. As a development bank, KfW finances the first TUMO learning center to promote digital education for young people in Germany. In the upcoming exchange with the actors, the question of financing and operation must first be determined. It is clear to both of them that Saskia and Wilhelmine will dedicate themselves to this. Because they see further opportunities in expanding the concept in our region: "Especially if you think about the topic bilingually and also open it up to young people from Poland, where there is currently no such TUMO center, is a great opportunity for our European city and a good offer so that young people from both nations can exchange ideas better." Saskia and Wilhelmine are sure of that.  



We will keep you up to date on the developments for this project as well as many others in the Görlitz district - subscribe to our newsletter !

Best regards!

Your Jasna

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