Sustainability in focus

Sustainability in focus

New edition of Zeit(ung) for children and their families

The district's youngest residents can look forward to a new edition of "Zeit(ung) für Kinder". This was distributed to daycare centers, primary schools, after-school care facilities, pediatricians' practices, libraries and day care facilities.

For the first time, the popular newspaper is also available in family offices and advice centers for families and children. The 27th edition is dedicated to the topic “Exchange, share, live sustainably”.

“In our magical Görlitz district there are many places where you can exchange, give away or borrow to your heart's content. In this booklet you will find a treasure map to these magical places. Maybe you already know one or two hidden treasure chests?” it says in the foreword.  

While reading, the children get to know Karlotta, Bjerke and their father Paphael, who run the UMSONST.WAGEN on the Rabryka site in Görlitz. “From here I can take things I like without paying anything. “You bring things here that you no longer need,” explains Karlotta. Bjerke adds: “For example, we bring toys from home that we no longer play with. Today I found a game here called 'Settlers for 2'."

“Of course we interviewed 100 children again,” reports project manager Ariane Archner. “This time it was about their personal experiences when swapping.” 70 percent of the children have already swapped something with their friends, 22 percent with their siblings. Toys are traded the most (42%), followed by card games (20%) and clothing (13%).

The consumption pyramid shows that it is rarely necessary to buy something new. Repairing, borrowing, exchanging, building things yourself and buying used things are ways to avoid buying new. Together with parents, educators or siblings, children can check how sustainably they already live.

The current “Zeit(ung) für Kinder” also picks up a story from the last issue. “We invited children to let their imagination run wild and finish telling an unfinished story,” explains Ariane Archner. “We received some wonderful texts and pictures, which we are now publishing.”

On the back, educators, parents and grandparents are for their opinion on “time for children” . The answers should help with the further design of the newspaper. Three small gift sets will be raffled off among all participants.

The small editorial team has already started working on the next issue. Nicole Blana from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Anne Funke from the Child Protection and Early Help Network Office, Mandy Hergesell and Sandra Hüttig from the Görlitz district as well as Ariane Archner, Ricarda Wild-Noisten and Katarzyna Krzyżanowska from the ENO want to dedicate themselves to club life in the December issue. The aim is to show young readers how diverse the clubs in their home country are and what opportunities there are for active leisure activities in the club.

ZFK survey

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