handover of the baton successful

handover of the baton successful
Do I do it or don't I do it!

Thomas Vogel probably asked himself this question again and again in the second quarter of 2020. It was my wish. Thomas' namesake - Thomas (Tom) Rublack - had received the trust of the district council for the advertised position of head of department. The times when he had "authorized officer of the ENO" on his business card were numbered. On June 1st, 2020 I needed a new, strong right hand.  


Thomas did it. He has been an authorized signatory since June 2020. And that's a very good solution. He already knew the numbers of all the companies before June. What he can do with Excel exceeds my technical expertise, but also some computing power. As head of the #projektmanagement service point, the connection to almost all employees was available. The skilful handling of words such as grant notice, act of entrustment, legal basis or taxability has been his thing for many years.  

Such an entry as an authorized signatory takes time. Some appointments were necessary and some signatures had to be collected. Thomas still kept his word :). only good  

Communication is everything, isn't it? 

The conversations with Thomas are awesome. I can reveal my world of thoughts to him for 30 minutes, wildly flail my arms and paint pictures of future projects. Then every now and then comes a "good" or a "yes". I know - he calculates it again anyway. Because he doesn't let himself be taken away from the overview of the calculations of our companies. The opposite is true for contracts. He explains, comments and supplements what he considers to be urgently needed formulations. Then I usually say "good" after the final reading. I like this division of labour.  

Conclusion after the first half of the year 

We were being watched. "Will that work?" Was one of the milder questions. I can give the all-clear with a clear conscience. The team rose to the challenge. Some things have changed, some things have stayed the same. Despite the really difficult conditions, everyone found each other. Thomas might get a few more emails now and then. He put up with my usual late-evening messages, and even got replies.  

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