In tune with the times

In tune with the times

Hello dear blog readers,

My name is Annabell Krause and I grew up in the ENO. After graduating from high school, I did dual studies at the BA Bautzen and was able to win the ENO as a practical partner. So I've been an integral part since 2016. As a project manager, I am constantly working on (new) projects. And since February I have an exciting project on my desk, which I want to chatter about today.  

It all started in 2019 when the first call for funding in the “Untersuchung Revier” funding program was published. A cool project outline was quickly drawn up with actors from the district. The goal: to create a model region in health economics, science and care in Lusatia. The project outline was well received and so we were able to submit an application 6 months later and the "Regio HaC - Region for health and care" project got under way. After a long back and forth, the positive decision finally came in February 2021 and the implementation could start.

In the next 1.5 years, we would like to determine the basic requirements for the development process for the model region and possible obstacles through discussions with regional and national actors in the field of health and care. This is the only way to focus and align. The spectrum of fields of action ranges from ensuring medical care by recruiting skilled workers and qualified training through the further expansion of health science research and product development to the establishment of everyday solutions in the field of health and care. In addition, the project is intended to initiate a strategic networking of all stakeholders in the healthcare industry, science and care with the aim of establishing long-term partnerships. Because we can only be loud enough and advance our region with a strong network.  

The first few months were relatively unspectacular: inventory, project controlling, specification and orientation, coordination dates and one or the other event, but I don't want to embellish that any further here - let's talk about the first successes.

In June, a cool brand and slogan for the project was quickly developed: 

"Lausitz Vital - On the pulse of time" 

Do you like it? 

And yesterday the time had finally come, after the first (rather dry) months I was finally able to send the "Save the Date" mail for the online kick-off event to over 300 stakeholders in the field of health and care. Now I'll quickly get the registration platforms ready with my colleagues and the official invitation can finally go out. There was already some feedback and I'm really looking forward to presenting the project and our vision and talking to the actors.

Maybe we'll see each other on July 21st, 2021 - I'd be happy!

Kind regards, Annabel

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