Appreciate the craft

Appreciate the craft

A contribution by Annabell Krause and Heike Schleussner, ENO project managers with a passion for timber construction in Lusatia 

 Appreciate the craft

It was great.

district craftsmen and the district crafts and carpentry master Briesowsky-Graf with the idea of ​​creating a center for crafts . Her sons, who build Tiny modular houses out of wood “in the backyard” of the joinery, were just as enthusiastic as the craftsmen who were there.

In order to think about ideas together in a relaxed, creative atmosphere, the "craftsmen's barbecue" - in the words of our lovable district master craftswoman called "crazy round" - was organized. On a mild summer evening with grilled sausage and beer, we let the ideas sprout: where should we go with our workshop for Upper Lusatia?

It quickly became clear: we want to create something for the public perception of the craft!

After all, craftsmen who use their knowledge and skill to create value from raw materials that will last for decades and even centuries are the real heroes!

We want to raise public awareness of this - and of course also get many more young people interested in the trade. To do this, more opportunities for career orientation and the next generation of skilled workers must be created. We dreamed of a common exhibition platform on which different trades can work together, which offers space for innovations - and space for trying things out and tinkering. The trade wants to get children and young people excited about the industry again and present itself in an attractive, new and modern way. Because one thing is clear in any case: the craftsmanship from this warm and creative group does not have to hide under any circumstances!  

We dreamed on - of course, we think, trades that build something, but also other craft businesses should find harmony here: mechanical engineering, car mechanics and also the food industry. Oh, that would be nice - a local market where the butcher could sell his sausage, the dairy his cheese and the brewery his barley drink.

Why not integrate a restaurant directly into our workroom, which can also be a destination for families and tourists, but of course also provides a delicious and healthy lunch with regional products for the craftsmen?

What we already know for sure is that our first artisan barbecue will not have been the last! We are very happy about the great cooperation and would like to make the craft, the golden floor, more visible again.

And: we want to create a place for these heroes to come together - a place that is economically viable, that forms a marketing and innovation platform.

In the next talks, we will flesh out our ideas and think about financing and operator models.

But until then, let's wallow in blissful memories of a great evening with lots of creative people with a heart!

Chapeau to the craft! 


Best regards


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