New in the area development company: project manager Lisa Bergmann

New in the area development company: project manager Lisa Bergmann

 New in the area development company: project manager Lisa Bergmann


Dear Lisa, you have been the new project manager at ENO since September 1st, 2022. Please introduce yourself to the readers!

Hello 😊 I'm Lisa, I'm originally from Niesky and have been living with my partner, two cats and our dog in Särichen for a few years. I completed my master's degree in international management at the IHI Zittau and have been supporting the ENO or, more precisely, the area development company of the district of Görlitz as a project manager since September 1st.

Have you ever considered leaving your home country? If so, why didn't you do it after all?

Before my master's degree in Zittau, I had studied in Dresden and also lived there for five years. During my studies I also had the opportunity to study for two semesters at the TU Liberec. Those were great experiences that I wouldn't want to miss anymore. Nevertheless, I have always been drawn back home - not only because of family and friends, but also because of my voluntary work on the board of the riding and driving club "Wehrkirch" Horka . Despite the many advantages, life in the big city is not for me in the long run.

Nevertheless, I like to travel the world. Over the course of the year, there can be two or three vacations in different regions and countries.

I can't imagine leaving my home country in the long run. I think the district of Görlitz is full of potential that wants to be used. In addition, the region has a lot to offer in terms of beautiful nature, cities worth seeing and cultural institutions that make life here worth living.

How did you come to ENO? Did you already have a precise idea of ​​the activities of the ENO?

Before my master's degree, I worked in a tax office and dealt with various clients and their tax concerns on a daily basis. However, I wanted to develop professionally and find new links to my studies. An acquaintance then suggested that I take a closer look at the ENO. I had already heard of the name, but at first I had no real idea what “they do there”. Then it went really quickly: found a job advertisement, wrote an application, had an interview and the rest is history 😊

What exactly do you do at the ENO?

I'm a project manager at the area development company, ie I take care of area management in the district of Görlitz together with Kathrin and Steffi. The goal is to develop and open up industrial and commercial areas in order to make the location attractive for existing companies as well as companies willing to settle there. We are also in contact with the respective municipalities and companies on funding and location issues.

energy network in the district of Görlitz is also on my agenda. In the course of structural change, the region is faced with new challenges in the energy sector. The main focus is on developing new transmission and distribution paths for renewable energies and thus actively shaping the energy transition. To do this, I work very closely with the municipal team and the project managers from the structural development team.

You've joined a well-established team. How were the first few weeks for you?

Totally positive! After just a few days, I felt super integrated. If you have any questions or ambiguities, you will always find an open ear and support. Incidentally, this applies to the entire team at ENO and the area development company. For example, I supported the ENO team in the AOK company run in the second week. A few faces were also not unfamiliar to me – I knew Uwe, for example, beforehand.

Where can you be found in our priceless country ? Rather at the lake, in the forest or in the mountains? Or somewhere else entirely – please tell us your favorite place and/or favorite activity!

Difficult question 😉 Most likely you will find me in the forest. I'm usually out and about with DaVinci (my dog) in the morning before I start work. At the weekend I also like to enjoy nice weather on horseback on a relaxed ride or I lace up my jogging shoes. I'm also often on the road in the Königshainer mountains or the Zittau mountains. It's not that easy to choose a favorite activity - in the end it's the mix that counts. The main thing is to be in the fresh air and on the move!

Thank you dear Lisa!

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