From the chocolate bar to the first ideas for new usage concepts

From the chocolate bar to the first ideas for new usage concepts


Today you are reading a blog post from the ENO AG Tourismus & Kultur ( Wilhelmine Buscha , Saskia Brosius , Laura Horst and Lars Semrok ).

It snowed the day before. The landscape in the east of Lusatia looks fantastic, all the fields and forests beyond the road and rail look sugared white. On the morning of December 10th, the Tourism & Culture working group set off towards the north of our beautiful district. Meeting point at Weißwasser train station - Saskia is already waiting for us. She knows white water like the back of her hand - unlike us. After just fifteen minutes, none of the passengers knows which direction we are heading. There is a surprising amount to see: the historic town hall with the market square, the ice arena ... and - the TELUX site with the socio-cultural center, its Hafenstube . It excites us all. At the end of our tour through Weißwasser we are suddenly standing on the "Tower on the Heavy Mountain" .

The term “the core concern of the Weißwasseraner in the structural change” becomes more than clear here. Despite the dense fog, the groundwater pumps and overburden bridge of the Nochten opencast mine clearly seen.

After the obligatory photo stop, we continue north, to the tourist center on Lake Halbendorf. Short break at Wake-and-Beach at Nordstrand - we'll be back in the summer! Passing the Rakotzbrücke in Kromlau, which is now well-known Hollywood (Matrix Resurrections),

'Brainstorming Heideweg Bad Muskau' is coming up. But before we start the "brain storm", let's strengthen ourselves with a caffeinated hot drink and Italian round pastries on a delivery basis. Then, first of all, project manager Uwe Garack from the municipal team joins us, followed a few moments later by Matthias, the caretaker. A guided tour of the ENO building and its history impresses us (see photo file archive) and prepares what the main task of the day should be:

"What can you do with or in this building?"

Of course, Saskia Brosius from the innovation team packed the right tools to tease all kinds of ideas out of us, which at first glance also seemed absurd, in the first set: “Dreamers”. When Saskia moderates, something really innovative and creative begins in our brains - even if I still can't understand how (eg one of her methods) from the picture of a chocolate bar it would be possible to use the house as an “observatory or Paint Ball Adventures” (and much more) to think about.

After we have worked through the “Critics” set in the second room with Oberlausitz ease, we spend most of our time in the third room in front of the “Pragmatists” banner with fundamental discussions.

We are happy to end the four-hour workshop - the first of a series of others - inspired by many ideas. There is still a lot to do if you want to use the building in a sustainable and innovative way, but we can do it!

Do you have ideas and suggestions for the Inno team that is working on the future of the building?

We look forward to yours This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on. !

Best regards


Wilhelmine, Saskia, Laura and Lars

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