Radiant northern lights of Upper Lusatia

Radiant northern lights of Upper Lusatia

Today, ENO working student and member of the innovation team Sven Backhausen reports on the first meeting of the "Northern Lights" in the district of Görlitz

The northern lights are shining! Network event in Spreeschlößchen Uhyst  

In mid-May, the northern lights of the district of Görlitz were lit! But what is it all about?

As part of our work, we are often asked to what extent one can participate in structural change.

Or also: who is already committed to a fair structural change in their own environment.

“Are there any initiatives here in my community?”, “I want to take part too! Who can I network with on the subject of xy?” or “Who are other doers beyond the borders of my community?” – these are just a few questions that we often get.

To anticipate one thing: committed people and initiatives can be found everywhere in the district of Görlitz, but a strong network structure is not the same in all parts of the district. In order to change this, Perspektive Boxberg approached the ENO and its network with the desire for a network event in the north of the district. Because in the north of the district of Görlitz there are already a number of committed initiatives that are committed to a Lusatia that is suitable for grandchildren - and they need to be more talked about.

For this reason, the ENO innovation team, together with Perspektive Boxberg, invited all the “Northern Lights” to Spreeschlößchen in Uhyst in mid-May to build bridges in a convivial atmosphere. 20 people who were interested and already active “Northern Lights” came. Moderated by the ENO innovation team, the participants were led through a relaxed afternoon, starting with a round of "speed dating" in order to get into initial conversations with all participants in a short time. Based on the questions: "Who are you?", "What is your job?", "Why are you here?" and "Where do you see Lusatia in ten years"? all participants - true to the chaos principle - had to exchange ideas with everyone for one minute. First new contacts could be made here, which could be deepened during the subsequent get-together with delicious regional ice cream and other snacks.

The networking event was rounded off with a world café to pool ideas, uncover focal points and make possible synergies within the participants visible. At five tables, all participants exchanged views on different questions and topics for 15 to 20 minutes each:

Table 1: Existing resources - "What kind of social commitment is there already in the north of the district of Görlitz?"

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Each of the colorful slips of paper represents an existing resource for networking, i.e. committed people who want to (or are already in the process of) making the district of Görlitz fit for the future.


Table 2 :
(Hidden) potentials – “Where and what kind of social commitment is still missing”?

Table 3: Structural change made easy - Explain structural change terms as you would explain them to a small child!


2022 05 24 3 Northern Lights

Table 4: Utopia 2038 –
"What does your utopia for Lusatia look like?"

Table 5: Dystopia 2038 -  "What does your dystopia look like, i.e. the worst possible future vision for Lusatia"?

2022 05 24 Dystopia Utopia Northern Lights

Many exciting designs and concepts have come together for the north of the district. Together we were able to identify one or the other obstacle! Above all, the results of the "(hidden) potential" and "existing resources" have emphasized the strong willingness for a cooperative structural change.

The "Northern Lights" will come together again in the future and hopefully be able to light more fires, so that a broad exchange with a wide variety of actors can develop in the long term! As soon as the time comes, you will find out about it via our channels.  

Do you live in a different part of the county and want to create a similar format for your area? This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on. - and maybe the "Southern Lights" will soon be on fire for you!

Best regards!

Your Saskia, Wilhelmine and Sven

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