Lausitz cafés with strong partners!

Lausitz cafés with strong partners!

Last Thursday, October 10th, 2024, Emilia Grass and Saskia Brosius, two of our project managers from the Structural Change Task Force, together with Romy Ganer from SNL (Social Network Lausitz), hosted the 10th Lausitz Café on the topic "Achieve more together - your commitment is priceless! " held in the Café Rietschen cinema.

A total of five interested citizens took part in the event at the Kulturwerk and discussed issues relating to the topic of commitment and volunteering. Rietschen's mayor Ralf Brehmer also took the opportunity to exchange ideas on the topics. The central questions were:

  1. How can we make it easier for newcomers to access associations and initiatives?
  2. What options are there for more young people to hold positions of responsibility in clubs?
  3. Does our club landscape have a structural problem?

Insights into the results

For the first question, the participants collected various ideas, such as a brochure that would be handed out at the residents' registration office, inviting newcomers to the New Year's reception or organizing a club day or a club Advent calendar.

In the discussions on the second question, it quickly became clear that this was a generational conflict and that there was a tension between the young people who wanted to change and shape something and would also take responsibility for it, and the long-established club members who, through their club work have created values ​​that they want to maintain and maintain.

What is the 11th Lausitz Café about?

Anna-Marie Hillen: The Lausitz Café's motto is "Perspectives in Crafts - Future Construction Site". We would like to use specific questions to discuss how craft structures in Saxony's Lusatia can be preserved and developed in a sustainable manner and, together with the participants, consider what opportunities the structural change will create for the construction industry in the coming years.

Why should I take part in the event?

Saskia Brosius: The Lausitz Café is a great opportunity for everyone to get actively involved in shaping their own community and to make valuable contacts. We offer a platform to exchange thoughts and ideas and work together to develop solutions to important questions about crafts and construction. In addition: Participation is free and your physical well-being will be taken care of. Nobody has to discuss things hungry, and you can expect a pleasant and inspiring atmosphere.

How does an active exchange occur?

Saskia Brosius: We use the World Café methodology, in which all participants discuss in small groups at different tables. This allows everyone to interact with the others present, and many different perspectives arise on the questions asked. This form of discussion creates a lively, dynamic atmosphere in which everyone can have their say. This way, as many opinions as possible are brought forward and heard.

Change of view

Photo: Marcel Schroeder

The exchange on the third question showed how fragmented our club landscape is and that there is definitely unused potential for cooperation. The idea also arose to offer a workshop for clubs that would help them present themselves to the outside world in order to attract new members.

Although there were “only” five participants present, they were exactly the right ones. You yourself are active in several clubs and will place the impulses you have collected where they will hopefully be picked up and passed on by other committed people.

If you would like to read more details about the results of the past Lausitz Cafés, you can do so here .


We are looking forward to the 11th Lausitz Café “Perspective in Crafts – Future Construction Site”

On Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., we cordially invite you to the Konrad-Wachsmann-Haus in Nieksy together with the HWK Dresden's AutonomousLausitz project. The project managers Saskia Brosius (ENO mbH) and Anna-Marie Hillen (HWK) answer the most important questions about the event in an interview and give an outlook on what visitors can expect.

Future 2

Photo: Marcel Schroeder

What questions are being discussed?

Anna-Marie Hillen: We have prepared some practical scenarios. For example: What would your new living environment have to offer, how would your living space have to be designed? How can craftsmen be motivated to become self-employed and made aware of the need for craft services? Which innovative techniques and new materials have the potential to make the renovation of buildings more sustainable?

And what opportunities do the changes in construction create for women and what does it take to build a strong network? So these are very practical topics that affect many people.

What happens to the results?

Saskia Brosius: We, ENO mbH and the HWK Dresden's SelbstemployedLausitz project, want to take the suggestions and ideas that come from the participants seriously and use them as a basis for future measures and planned projects relating to crafts.

How can I register and is the event barrier-free?

Anna-Marie Hillen: Participation is free, and anyone who is curious can easily register via our website. The event is barrier-free accessible so that everyone can take part.

Here are the most important things in brief:


What: 11. Lausitz Café: Perspectives in crafts – future construction site

When: November 5, 2024

Where: Konrad-Wachsmann-Haus Niesky

How: Interactive World Café method for exchange in small groups

Who: All citizens and craftsmen of the Görlitz district

Why: Developing solutions together for questions relating to crafts and construction

How much: Free, including meals

How to register: Via the website


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