“Lausitz-Haltestelle” becomes “MoNaBe-Station”

“Lausitz-Haltestelle” becomes “MoNaBe-Station”

“Lausitz-Haltestelle” becomes “MoNaBe-Station”
- designing mobility, local supplies and encounters in the Görlitz district -

The question of how rural regions remain viable in times of mobility transition is becoming increasingly urgent. With the “MoNaBe” project – short for mobility, local supply and meeting stations – the ENO/Taskforce in the Görlitz district wants to develop innovative solutions for exactly this. The aim is to combine mobility, local supplies and social encounters and thus increase the quality of life in rural areas

In collaboration with the Institute City | Mobility | Energy (ISME) and regional partners, we are working on a model concept that further develops existing infrastructure and brings new approaches - such as micro-logistics solutions and alternative financing models - to the region. An important component are so-called mobility stations ( Lausitz stop ), which are intended to bring together means of transport, local supplies and meeting points.

Project team meeting in Görlitz - local actors in focus

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Project team on the move in the district - picture on the left: in conversation with Marika Vetter in Melaune; Picture top right: visiting the Kodersdorf municipal administration; Picture below right: Lunch break at the Wagner Nature Park Butchery in Mittelherwigsdorf

As part of the MoNaBe project, a first project team meeting recently took place in Görlitz. Among other things, we were able to visit THE pilot location of the Lausitz stop in the Görlitz district, Kodersdorf. Ms. Förster, project manager for the community, reported on the current planning status. With the BMDV federal funding program, the starting signal for the implementation of the mobility station at the high school in Kodersdorf was given last year ( we reported in the blog ).

This was followed by a meeting with Ms. Vetter in Melaune - a place that is brimming with communal living. After the former consumption has ceased, a committed village community is committed to establishing a village shop. In addition to using various funding programs, the town is planning to set up a cooperative in order to be able to realize the implementation and future financing. An exciting project that is thought of across communities and shows the “city dwellers” how lively and warm country life can be.

After a drive through the southern district, the team had a hearty lunch at the Wagner Nature Park Butchery in Mittelherwigsdorf. In addition to the culinary enjoyment, the exchange with the managing director and master butcher Mr. Wagner also brought enthusiasm to the group and people's minds. Entrepreneurship in the countryside is tough - what is often bought in the supermarket as “organic and regional” with a clear conscience is harmful to the farmers in the neighborhood. “How do we get people to be more aware of truly regional products?” was the question that Mr. Wagner asked the team.

The meetings offered stakeholders the opportunity to share their perspectives and forge potential partnerships for the next project phases. The role of the population was also highlighted: their participation is crucial in order to design the model concept in line with needs.

First results and outlook

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workshop phase; Picture top left: Exchange with Mr. Clemenz from the Görlitz district/Office for Infrastructure and Mobility

The MoNaBe project is still in its early stages, but the initial findings from the exchange with local actors already show promising approaches. In the discussions with Mr. Clemenz (Office for Infrastructure and Mobility of the Görlitz district), Ms. Marschke (Department for Structural Development, Economic Development & International Relations of the Görlitz district) and Dr. Gündling (TU Darmstadt, PriMa+ÖV project), experiences were exchanged, possible synergy effects were identified and expert knowledge was requested.

In the coming weeks, the project team will work intensively on developing concrete recommendations for action and creating a concept that will sustainably support the Görlitz district.

Another highlight has already been determined: the next network meeting of the Lausitzcluster Mobility will take place in Görlitz on December 10, 2024 , where, among other things, the first results of the project will be presented. The ENO and its partners look forward to further advancing the work and deepening the exchange with the municipalities and stakeholders. The event will be published in the coming days at https://sichtwechsel-zukunft.de/projekte .

Get involved in the MoNaBe project!

The project thrives on the commitment of the municipalities and the people in the district. We warmly invite you to get actively involved and share your ideas and experiences. If you have any questions, tips or information on the topic – please write to me at: This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on.

We would like to thank our project partners and hosts:
Ilka Hunger, ZVON
Anja Förster, Kodersdorf community
Marika Vetter, volunteer in Melaune
Andreas Wagner, Nature Park Butcher Wagner
Dr. Felix Gündling, TU Darmstadt – PriMa+ÖV project
Sandy Marschke, Görlitz district
Oliver Clemenz, Görlitz district


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