Voluntary work also within the ENO

Voluntary work also within the ENO

A GmbH needs structures 

And a GmbH in the public sector all the more so. I'll spare you to present them here down to the last detail. But the jungle of our documents, regulations and other legal bases is not insignificant. And it's not just the case with us. But sometimes your head is spinning. Procurement law, aid or de minimis. Personnel laws, tax paragraphs or the Saxon municipal code in its entirety with relevant content. There are also professional associations and building regulations. That's okay, I have a #team and together we've always made a lot possible. Of course, errors have also happened – but if they do, we try to fix them as quickly as possible.  

All of that doesn't work 

The areas of activity of the ENO are varied. With our 6 service points we have an exciting portfolio. With the business errands, there are also new topics that concern us. In the consultations, we switch from tourism issues to sick leave to construction projects. You can't do all of this alone. It doesn't just take a strong lineup of the company. We also need strong bodies on our side. Above all, it needs trust and a common goal. The ENO itself has a supervisory board and a shareholders' meeting. The supervisory board always meets before the general meeting. Relevant topics are discussed in both bodies. Strategic decisions are to be introduced here and then also documented by "resolution".  


I always invite my supervisory board members before a general meeting. Appointed by the committees of my shareholders (i.e. the district council and the city councils of Weißwasser/OL and Bad Muskau/OL), we come to 8 people. I would also like to use this small contribution to draw attention to the many actors who are out and about here in the district with such tasks and functions. Even in a public GmbH, the managing directors are not able to achieve the best possible success without advice and mutual support. I'm very lucky with my committees. Especially the mutual cooperation on one or the other topic, the good suggestions within the meetings and the mutual "being able to rely on each other" is a huge asset for me.  

My supervisory board receives an expense allowance. No longer. It is therefore not a matter of course that an open ear must always be found for the concerns of a managing director. I have never received a refusal to help me with specific questions. Even outside of the official meeting. Every member of the supervisory board brings great knowledge to the ENO and is on hand with advice and action. For me, these were, for example, questions in the areas of electricity, civil protection, local politics, water or energy issues.  

I used Tuesday's session to have a photo taken. An important note. In the picture we have Mr. Freymann "inserted", it is important to me to show all supervisory boards here. From left to right these are Mr. Hallman, Mr. Pötzsch, Ms. Brünner, Mr. Marco, Mr. Freyman, Mr. Schneider, Ms. Binder and Mr. Glasewald.  

Representing the - yes - countless offices here in the district, a small text, combined with a big thank you! Thank you for your support.  

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