Volunteering is alive

Volunteering is alive

The first day of commitment and volunteering in Weißwasser/OL exceeded all expectations 

Last Saturday the first engagement and volunteer day took place in Weißwasser/OL. All committed people, volunteers and interested people

of the city were warmly invited by Mayor Torsten Pötzsch . “Thanks to many supporters, the Engagement and Volunteering Foundation and the work of the Lausitz Social Network , we were able to set up a very extensive program for the city’s committed people - I am very happy that the offer was accepted by so many people,” says Mayor Pötzsch after the event. on the grounds of the Telux/Hafenstube and the hall on the upper floor from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.

In addition to lectures, discussion rounds, networking opportunities, a wheel of fortune with non-cash prizes and time gained, for example for taster courses in clubs , the guests were able to get to know the diverse participation offers. The hall on the upper floor was filled to capacity during the panel discussion on the topic of “Happiness and Commitment”. Here, active members of the city society exchanged ideas with experts from science and research about how the commitment to fellow human beings changes those who help. It became clear that the motivation to get involved is always different. However, people who volunteer have become much happier as a result.

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The volunteers were not only honored (among other things, they received - see cover photo - a bulging Pricelessland bag), but also discovered that there are MANY of them. The motivated and motivating exchange between each other continued until late in the evening.

In his acceptance speech for the committed people and volunteers in Weißwasser/OL, Mayor Pötzsch emphasized that the large number of interested volunteers shows the diversity of the city. In addition, the day of honor connects the generations, which means that the important values ​​of a good urban society are passed on and conveyed. In addition to the program items with music, food and drink as well as information stands, there were many opportunities for exchange and networking, which the guests took advantage of intensively. For many, it became clear over the course of the evening that volunteering must become visible - as a thank you for those who are committed, but also as an opportunity to work together to overcome the challenges in the city in the face of emigration, economic concerns and social inequality. Mayor Pötzsch emphasized that we are in a state of upheaval here in our region and that it is time to take new paths. And these are characterized by hope and confidence: "In view of so many committed people, I look with confidence at the structural change and our path as a city community. It is clear to me that you here are one of the supporting pillars of this city and its future."

We are also pleased about the structural change projects that have been initiated, such as the start of construction at Weißwasser train station and at the Gelsdorfhütte - report will follow on our UBL blog !

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Are you also interested in volunteering?

Then click here to find out more and get involved on the Görlitz district volunteer page!

You can find even more information about volunteering and the commitment of the district and ENO here .

Maybe we'll see each other at the next awards ceremony? We'll keep you posted here - and for daily good news, please click and follow us on our Instagram account here .



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