This was the 9th Lausitz Café

This was the 9th Lausitz Café

Last week, the innovation team of our Structural Change Taskforce invited people to the 9th Lausitz Café in the UnbezahlbarlandLounge in Görlitz. The theme this time is: Short distances, great diversity - perspectives for local supply.

The Unbezahlbarland blog spoke to the innovation team project manager Wilhelmine Buscha about the event, which surprised with a variety of topics that one would not initially have expected when it came to local supplies.

UBL blog: Wilhelmine You helped design the 9th Lausitz Café, which deals with " perspectives of local supply ", which deals with topics such as "digitization", "ride sharing", "social places" and "crafts", among other things, carried out and moderated. Please tell us how the event went and who took part.

Wilhelmine Buscha : With pleasure! At our last Lausitz Café we had around 15 guests, including some familiar faces who had taken part in previous events. It was a very constructive and interesting round in which we discussed four main topics: the digitization of city centers, the Prima+ÖV project and the mobility solutions it contains for local supply, the combination of local supply and social places and finally the topic of crafts. The diversity of opinions surprised and inspired us again this time.

UBL blog : Were there any particular surprises or new insights during the discussion on the digitization of city centers?

Wilhelmine Buscha : Yes, definitely. The topic of “digitalization of inner cities” produced incredibly different results. It quickly became clear that the participants' ideas and expectations were very broad. The focus of local residents and guests is also very different. Some focused on a “digital twin” for recording offers, others on arrival support for newcomers, and still others on apps that are intended to make city life easier. What the City Initiative took away from this is that a larger, structured survey is needed to find out what content is actually a priority for citizens. This is the only way we can advance digitalization in a targeted manner.

UBL blog : So you have once again received direct impulses from citizens, which provide the basis for further considerations and steps. We'll definitely read more about this here soon! Another exciting topic was that of ride sharing as an extension of public transport. What was the response here?


Prima+ÖV at ENO , committed citizens - and of course the buffet should not be missing from any Lausitz café. After all, discussing things while hungry is not a good idea

Wilhelmine Buscha : The response was generally very positive. Everyone was open to offering rides and using rideshares themselves. But a key point that came up again and again was the question of trust. Many said that it was important for them to establish a basis of trust before using such offers regularly. How exactly this trust can be built and communicated is now a task for our colleagues at Prima+ÖV . Without this foundation of trust, it will be difficult to fully exploit the potential of ride-sharing.

UBL Blog : Sounds like an exciting challenge. You also touched on the topic of crafts, for which you just organized a fully booked “Lausitz Café Spezial” together with the HWK Dresden What was discussed about this?

Wilhelmine Buscha : The topic of crafts was about how craft businesses and services can be maintained in rural regions. As a result, the focus was on how we can stimulate interest in skilled trades, especially among younger generations. An important point was to use social spaces – that is, to be present where people are. The discussion resulted in five concrete solutions: trying out new business models and sales channels, initiating collaborations, reacting to trends, using new places for crafts and strengthening regional marketing. The Dresden Chamber of Crafts will now examine how it can support the craftsmen. We are also already planning another Lausitz Café together with the Chamber of Crafts on November 5th, which will be about the “House of the Future”.

The Lausitz Café Special on the subject of crafts - Wilhelmine moderates the panel on questions about company takeovers in the atmospheric Telux in Weißwasser

UBL Blog : That sounds very promising! And what’s on the agenda at the next Lausitz Café?

Wilhelmine Buscha : On October 10th we will focus on the topic of “Commitment and Volunteering”. We will then be on the road together with the Lausitz social network and the Engaged City in Rietschen . The topics and questions can be found in the registration portal, as well as all the results of our previous Lausitz Cafés.

UBL blog : Thank you, Wilhelmine! Before we conclude, do you have any tips on who interested parties can contact with questions about specific topics?

Wilhelmine Buscha: Yes, sure! If there are questions about local supplies and social places, our project manager is This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on. the right contact person. And you are welcome to come to Prima+ÖV This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on. and Isabell Burdock turn around. They are available to answer any questions and inspiration on the topic. On October 15th By the way, an information event about this project is taking place in Görlitz. [Link]

UBL Blog : Thank you for your time and insights, Wilhelmine. We are already looking forward to the next event and the exciting topics that await us there!

Register here to take part in the 10th Lausitz Café on October 10th. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. when all citizens of the Görlitz district are invited to discuss commitment and volunteering

On October 10th, 2024, in the Kinocafé Rietschen from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - click here to register .

Best regards!

Your Jasna

On the topic: “Perspectives of local supply” you are welcome to take a look at our new handbook on the topic !

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