My home - the district of Görlitz

My home - the district of Görlitz

District - that's always a term. What is behind it? What opportunities, but also difficulties does such a structure bring with it for someone like me? From a purely formal point of view, it is an administrative construct - a structure in which there are several municipalities and cities. For me it's more. It's my homeland.

Bare Numbers

For friends of statistics, I could answer rather dryly. A good friend once said to me "I can get to Berlin faster from Weißwasser than in Zittau". Unfortunately, that's not all that wrong. Of course there are several reasons - but above all the distances of an average of 85 kilometers from north to south have it all. The average distance from east to west is just 30 kilometers. Our area is approximately 2,111 square kilometers. This makes the district of Görlitz almost as large as Saarland (2,570 square kilometers). Around 250,000 people live here in 14 towns and 39 villages. We don't have really high mountains - with the Lausche we're there at just under 800 meters.   

Numbers, data, facts

Maybe there's more to it than meets the eye?

But isn't there much more that makes our region special? We live in the easternmost state of Germany. The easternmost point is in Zentendorf. Perhaps we should make more of this fact? In this blog I will go into more detail about economic figures and potential. Hence the soft location factors. We all know the Bärwalder See, the Berzdorfer See and the Olbersdorfer See. These three alone have a total area of ​​2,880 hectares. Each one is always worth a visit! We have very large landscape protection areas, and that is important and rightly so. Do you know the Großsaubernitzer Berg? It is one of 280 natural monuments. Here I should definitely start the project "we visit them all". :)  

We are not alone

The enormous length of the external borders to our neighbors Poland and the Czech Republic offer a unique charm in the overall view within Upper Lusatia on the German side as a Euroregion. A living and working space in the middle of Europe. I think we can play this topic even more nationally. Both our companies and all of us benefit from this fact. We have three World Heritage Sites in Northern County. Two of them are German-Polish. The flair in the Hirschberger valley is unique. Right now I miss the ski areas in the Giant Mountains due to the current situation. All of this can be easily reached within really reasonable travel times. In addition to hard numbers, data and facts, it is perhaps also the criteria that are not always so hard to measure that make our region unbeatable as a "home".


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