structural development
Ideas, solutions - everything can be learned!
- structural development
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We here in the ENO have a municipal team and an innovation team to actively and positively shape structural change
So to get fit for the time after the coal phase-out. The teams support citizens who want to found a company in their companies, help municipalities with the application for funding, advise associations and initiatives and do everything possible to maintain and create jobs in a modern energy region of Lusatia in the sum of their activities.
Although the funding amounts have been known for a long time, what kind of projects the federal government's coal phase-out millions will be invested in in the coming years in the Görlitz district is still a big white question mark for the most part - mind you: one of many wonderfully positive signs. Since we Saskia Brosius , an innovation manager, and Clara Hartung, an expert in regional economics and international management, with us, it is clear that standing still is not an option. Although the two of them graduated from university not so long ago, they are still curious about how idea development can work, for example in companies in our district. To this end, Saskia and Clara attended one last weekend - I'll say it in German first: further training on the subject of renewal, an innovation challenge.
The two learned which creative techniques you can use, for example, to work out the best ideas with colleagues, how to approach complex problems systematically and even with joy in a team, and how to deal with powerful challenges in order to have as many positive aspects and possible solutions as possible receive. In other words, specifically how your ideas for the development of Lusatia can be shaped and implemented in a targeted manner.
Clara explains: "Sometimes in everyday work you can see that something is not going as smoothly as you would like. Here we have developed techniques that can easily clarify issues that you sometimes think about for days on your own and can't find a solution . That was great!" she is happy. "Especially since we will soon be holding talks with citizens and, in companies, with employees in order to actively involve them in structural development." She describes why: in the two and a half days of training, the most efficient techniques from the areas of design thinking, lean startup and rapid prototyping were used - Clara and Saskia were enthusiastic about it.
Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Rapid Prototyping? For all those who, like me, were not there, here is an explanation in German:
Design Thinking assumes that problems can be solved better when people with different skills and professions work together. The team should jointly develop the question, take into account the needs and motivations of people and then develop concepts for innovation.
"Lean Startup" is a method for building products and business models quickly and resource-friendly with constant further development and "Rapid Prototyping" is the rapid creation and testing of prototypes that come very close to the intended new end product or in the process come closer and closer.
All of these methods are considered techniques for problem solvers, for developers, for people who want to develop creative solutions. Who enjoy tackling problems instead of accepting them for granted or thinking about a solution on their own. For Saskia, who really studied how to bring innovations into companies or processes, it was not all that unknown, but she still found new aspects and approaches that she wants to integrate into her work in the future. This means that everyone in the district who is interested will soon have the chance to work on the future with our innovation team and the latest creative techniques!
Clara is not a complete beginner either, but found it "incredibly exciting to take part in a workshop like this herself, to work on concrete problems and to experience how, with the right instructions and suitable techniques, you can come up with the most varied of crazy solutions within a very short time can.".
She is enthusiastic about the techniques and is looking forward to being able to use them soon in finding ideas for structural development: The teams were put together heterogeneously, which brought together a wide variety of perspectives. She is certain: Such workshops can also offer great added value for shaping the future of the district. The two are excited about your ideas and really want to develop the best ideas together with you in a forward-looking way.
Saskia is also satisfied: "The exercises were so inspiring, it's great how many opportunities there are for points of contact with Lusatia.". She emphasizes that many of the problems can be transferred to the district of Görlitz. "I'm looking forward to many creative, civic and also entrepreneurial projects, which we hope to design together with very, very many committed people in the district.".
How? Of course we will keep you up to date here - every Friday, at this point - and would be happy to send me an email to be informed about all exciting developments and events.
Best regards -
Your Jasna
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