Boxberg: that was the day of the engagement

Boxberg: that was the day of the engagement

Successful “Day of Commitment” in Boxberg/OL: A successful event with the potential to be repeated

Last weekend the “Day of Commitment” took place in Boxberg/OL.

The diverse offering attracted many visitors of all ages who wanted to find out about the activities of the volunteers or were looking for a suitable club or initiative to become active themselves.

A wide range of activities were offered, which received “consistently positive feedback”. The cultural offerings in particular met with great interest and enthusiasm. "The club's activities led to many good discussions and the participation offers were very well received. Only the further training offers received a cautious response, while the natural and regional market was well attended overall," explains organizer Romy Ganer from perspective Boxberg eV

romy collage

 Strongly committed himself: Romy Ganer from perspective Boxberg eV


The Sorbian traditional costume wearers have a new little fan - and the TTG64 has many anyway

Successful anniversary table tennis tournament

A highlight of the day was the anniversary table tennis tournament. The TTG64 was impressed by the high quality of the games and was pleased to welcome some new faces who had come especially for the engagement day. If you are interested, you are welcome to contact the first chairman if you have any questions - and of course if you are interested in becoming a member This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on. turn around.

Exhibitors draw positive conclusions

The exhibitors were satisfied with the event, even if they would have liked “a little more” audience. Overall, the event was rated as successful and contributed to making new contacts, maintaining existing ones and strengthening the sense of community. “It’s also always great to see how many people volunteer and want to not only inform others about their projects, but also inspire them.”



 Initiatives and associations provided information about their offers at numerous stands

Future prospects: repetition planned

An evaluation of the day is planned for September, although a specific date has yet to be set. The next day of engagement is already being planned for two years, explains Romy Ganer: “We definitely plan to continue this successful event.”

Thanks to everyone involved

The organizers were very grateful for the broad participation of clubs and initiatives from the greater community of Boxberg/OL. “The event could only be so successful because there was wonderful, appreciative and constructive cooperation. Thank you very much for that too,” said Romy Ganer.

"This successful event has shown how important and valuable the community's commitment is. We look forward to future events and the continued good cooperation in the greater community of Boxberg/OL," concludes the organizer.

We are also looking forward to the next time!

And at the beginning of next week we will report on another exciting participation format: the city makers conference in Weißwasser .


Background: Creating perspectives together

perspective Boxberg eV association, which consists of citizens of the community, is committed to social and economic developments in the community of Boxberg OL with its 18 districts of Bärwalde | Boxberg | Drehna I Dürrbach | Jahmen | Kaschel I Klein-Radisch | Klein-Oelsa I Klitten | Kringelsdorf | Mönau I Nochten | Rauden | Reichwalde I Sprey | Tauer | Uhyst | Zimpel

Participants on the 1st day of the engagement: (alphabetical sorting)


Cover photo: the happy daycare group makes its big appearance / all photos: Mario Damian

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