New Lausitz – new media

New Lausitz – new media


Today we are once again reporting on a positive development - from Lusatia, of course. This time, however, from Lower Lusatia - and from the field of journalism, which focuses exclusively on structural development in our region.  

Christine Keilholz from Cottbus has been publishing the “Neue Lausitz” briefing since 2022 The trained historian and long-time “ Lausitzer Rundschau ” editor Keilholz calls the briefing, which can be subscribed , the “digital news portal for the largest area in the East” and wants to accompany the development of Lausitz with sophisticated journalism.

The promise: the " Neue Lausitz " offers its subscribers a decisive edge in knowledge for their work in administration, politics, business or science - through independent analyses, portraits and background reports from the "most dynamic region in Germany" - Lausitz. There is often more than enough to report: Lusatia, spread over two federal states, consists of six districts, is home to 237 municipalities and is influenced by the two regional metropolises of Cottbus and Görlitz. In order to position herself as broadly as possible thematically and to expand the expertise of the team of freelance reporters and supporters, Christine Keilholz has been able to recruit, among others, the transformation researcher Franziska Stölzel and the consultant and founder of " tragwerk ", Christoph Scholze , as columnists.

In the approximately two years, the reader base of the paid offer as well as the range of topics have grown steadily. Keiholz ​​and her team have now expanded the website and are giving politics significantly more space - with " Neuelausitz.Politics " the first exclusively digital political platform is being created for our region in transition. This innovation was the reason for us to talk to the independent founder in detail about her demands and what she offers.


2024 04 30 Blog Keilholz

Founder Christine Keilholz, photo: Tine Jurtz

Good day! Ms. Keilholz, you have been publishing the “New Lausitz Briefing” for over two years, a paid newsletter that provides information in the style of “ deep journalism ” about structural change and the economic and sometimes also political background to the various developments in Lusatia. You have now decided Neuelausitz.Politics , the first digital political platform for our region in transition. Here you can get some impressions of the spectrum and depth of the topics on Neuelausitz.Politics. Can you first tell us something about the creation and purpose of this new site?

Christine Keilholz: Of course, thank you very much for the opportunity to be here. We have noticed that there is a demand for an overview, classification and explanation. That is the job of journalism and that is what we want to offer. We have been around as a digital regional medium for two years. That's how long we've been doing political reporting. What is new is that we are now presenting this on its own page. With the start of the super election year 2024, we would like to establish a permanent place for political reporting and give our readers the opportunity to actively participate in discussions.

Lusatia as a region has a diverse political landscape. What is your approach to reflecting this complexity?

Christine Keilholz: Absolutely, Lausitz is indeed a region with a developed structure and a political diversity that we would like to reflect on Neuelausitz.Politics. We offer a comprehensive overview of political events in the entire region, from the federal states of Saxony and Brandenburg to the individual districts and the metropolises of Cottbus and Görlitz. Our readers will have the opportunity to get to know the most interesting political figures and understand their points of view.

There are many elections coming up - can the readers of Neuelausitz.Politics prepare themselves with your background information in a special way - and with a direct regional reference?

Christine Keilholz: Well, with the upcoming local elections, European elections and the state elections in Saxony and Brandenburg, we have a crucial year ahead of us. We will increase political reporting and set priorities to provide all important information and developments. We want to introduce as many characters as possible. With the Neue Lausitz Briefing, we deliver a weekly edition that lands directly in our subscribers' email inboxes on Tuesdays at 6 a.m. (Click here to register for the newsletter - click here for a test subscription .)

How does Neuelausitz.Politics fit into the overall picture of Neue Lausitz as a medium for structural change in the region?

Christine Keilholz: Since January 2022, Neue Lausitz has placed a clear focus on structural change in Germany's largest lignite region. Politics makes the decisions for this at all levels, from Brussels to the local council of Schleife . Our job is to have this on the screen and to convey it so clearly that our readers can work well with the information. Neue Lausitz is a regional vertical (A vertical publication is a publication in which the content focuses on a specific industry, trade, trade or profession.). We are committed to providing our subscribers with the information they need to make their daily decisions. This applies to the mayor, the minister and the head of the nature conservation association. Neuelausitz.Politics is an integral part of this commitment and complements our reporting on the economy, funding, innovation and science.

Thank you for the interview!

The range of information is supplemented by the Muskauer Salon Talk , for which Christine Keilholz brings together opinionated personalities from the region every two months. At the upcoming Muskau Salon Talk on May 15th from 6:30 p.m. in the Green Salon in Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau, she will discuss with Jörg Funda, the mayor of Schleife , Björn Drechsler , Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Energy (IEG) in Cottbus and
Lars Katzmarek , Lusatia district ambassador of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) on the topic "New energies in the countryside - between community spirit and community striving". more about this as well as past salon discussions as a podcast here.

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